Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bono-The Ego has Landed.

Bono must be the most divisive figure in Irish public life. People either love him or loath him. I fall squarely into the camp of people that loath him. I know I hear you say, whats to hate about Bono? He is a global campaigner for justice, who travels the globe feeding the hungry and curing lepers. In some peoples eyes (and in his own head) he is a modern day Jesus Christ minus the beard but with the addition of a pair of sunglasses.

I think its fair to say most people would be in favour of cancellation of third world debt. Also the fight against HIV in Africa is a noble cause. These are the causes Bono holds dear to his heart. The causes he promotes are not the problem its the hypocrisy of the man that makes me vomit everytime I hear him speak. In recent weeks the tax affairs of U2 have firmly come into focus. In 2006 U2 one of the worlds richest rock groups shifted part of its business following an Irish government decision to put a cap on tax-free earnings available under a special scheme for artists. This sort of tax avoidance where a rich rock group do not contribute there share to society in there own country is no different to the policies pursued by Western governments which has put third world countries in horrendous economic positions. Your public principles should apply in your private life.

Bono considers himself a champion of the third world and the oppressed but he was willing to pose for photo shoots with Warmongers Blair and Bush. They care little for campaigns for third world justice. The third world is only useful to western leaders for how much they can exploit from it. Bono let himself be used by Blair and Bush to enhance there reputations as crusaders for third world justice. Bono is either naive or stupid or maybe just maybe he doesn't really care about the third world or global justice. I think what Bono really wants to promote is Bono. Bono social crusader, Bono champion of the poor, Bono influential world figure or as that hilarious episode of South park put it Bon0 the biggest piece of shit in the world.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama-The great black hope.

The election of Barack Obama has been greeted with universal joy around the world. After eight years of Bush the world was ready to embrace change. Change is not the only reason for the world's joy. In Barack Obama the most powerful nation in the world seems to have elected a truly inspirational figure to lead their country. He conducted an excellent campaign and genuinely appealed to peoples yearning for something different. His acceptance speech was an oratorical masterpiece, that brought tears to the eyes. A politician that can inspire a jaded and cynical world is a rare breed.

So Obama has the goodwill of the world. He also has a strong mandate from the American people and a majority in the Senate and Congress. What will he do with this political capital? Expectations are high. Obama has raised the bar of what people expect, so we should judge him by high standards. A few promises he has made that I hope he keeps(1) Withdraw American troops from Iraq. (2) Close Guantanamo bay. (3) Combat climate change. This would be a good start and would repay some of the faith people have invested in him.

I hope Obama is the real deal. The world needs someone to believe in. The next four years will either change the world, or confirm just how rotten it is. Can he do it? Yes he can.