Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama-The great black hope.

The election of Barack Obama has been greeted with universal joy around the world. After eight years of Bush the world was ready to embrace change. Change is not the only reason for the world's joy. In Barack Obama the most powerful nation in the world seems to have elected a truly inspirational figure to lead their country. He conducted an excellent campaign and genuinely appealed to peoples yearning for something different. His acceptance speech was an oratorical masterpiece, that brought tears to the eyes. A politician that can inspire a jaded and cynical world is a rare breed.

So Obama has the goodwill of the world. He also has a strong mandate from the American people and a majority in the Senate and Congress. What will he do with this political capital? Expectations are high. Obama has raised the bar of what people expect, so we should judge him by high standards. A few promises he has made that I hope he keeps(1) Withdraw American troops from Iraq. (2) Close Guantanamo bay. (3) Combat climate change. This would be a good start and would repay some of the faith people have invested in him.

I hope Obama is the real deal. The world needs someone to believe in. The next four years will either change the world, or confirm just how rotten it is. Can he do it? Yes he can.


Blogger NewAgeHippy said...

Well said walshpotts! I am a cynic myself when it comes to politicians but I don't see that he can be any worse than the last shower so here's hoping!!!

November 13, 2008 at 12:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

take away the fact he is black and all you are left with is the same as every other election the candiate with the biggest budget got in, sure he can speak very well but so could morgan freeman if he was up on that stage pretending to be president.what does anyone really knowbout him ? could turn out to brillant president and brilliant for the world but for now lets see if the actions match the speeches and if the change actually happens for the sake of the people dying in iraq and afganistan......

November 13, 2008 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger antoconno said...

Obama is a shape shifting lizard like the rest of them on Capitol Hill!

No to the NWO..!!

January 30, 2009 at 1:39 PM  

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