Why do we continue to vote for them?
I have one question for the Irish public. What do we continue to vote for Fianna Fail?
Charles Haughey spent his time in power enriching himself and living like a king while the working class of Ireland suffered and emigrated.
Then we had the self confessed "socialist" Bertie Ahern. This man of people had so much money in his sock drawer from wins on the horses and whip rounds he didn't know what to do with it. One thing we do know, he sure didn't want to put it in an account in his name.
Bertie Ahern was not a man of the people. He was the man who looked after his people. His people were builders, businessmen, old pals and old girlfriends. This man was returned to power three times by the people of Ireland. How could this of happened? Is Irish Democracy in such a bad state that this shower of gangsters are the people we trust to run our country.
All this brings me to Budget 2009. Under new leadership Brian Cowen has followed Fianna Fail policy passed down from his predecessors. Throughout the Celtic Tiger the Irish Government helped their rich comrades who have always helped them throughout their existence. Now recession has returned to our shores who has to pay? Pensioners,workers,schoolchildren,students and the most disadvantaged in Irish society.
It has been heartening to see some of the protest that have been sparked from Budget 2009 but will this anger be carried into the ballot box. Past experience teaches us that it will not. I know when we look at the opposition benches , the prospect of Enda Kenny as leader does not fill us with joy. But that is not a good enough reason to continue returning the same idiots to power.
If we are not happy with the political parties we have to choose from, create others. If we do not think we are listened to shout louder. Politicians are supposed to serve all the people not just the chosen few who have their ear. Lets get on the streets and make sure we are listened to. Most importantly of all lets use our ballot the next time. There is something rotten about a system that continues to elect a party that stands for nothing but power and protection of the privileged.
Charles Haughey spent his time in power enriching himself and living like a king while the working class of Ireland suffered and emigrated.
Then we had the self confessed "socialist" Bertie Ahern. This man of people had so much money in his sock drawer from wins on the horses and whip rounds he didn't know what to do with it. One thing we do know, he sure didn't want to put it in an account in his name.
Bertie Ahern was not a man of the people. He was the man who looked after his people. His people were builders, businessmen, old pals and old girlfriends. This man was returned to power three times by the people of Ireland. How could this of happened? Is Irish Democracy in such a bad state that this shower of gangsters are the people we trust to run our country.
All this brings me to Budget 2009. Under new leadership Brian Cowen has followed Fianna Fail policy passed down from his predecessors. Throughout the Celtic Tiger the Irish Government helped their rich comrades who have always helped them throughout their existence. Now recession has returned to our shores who has to pay? Pensioners,workers,schoolchildren,students and the most disadvantaged in Irish society.
It has been heartening to see some of the protest that have been sparked from Budget 2009 but will this anger be carried into the ballot box. Past experience teaches us that it will not. I know when we look at the opposition benches , the prospect of Enda Kenny as leader does not fill us with joy. But that is not a good enough reason to continue returning the same idiots to power.
If we are not happy with the political parties we have to choose from, create others. If we do not think we are listened to shout louder. Politicians are supposed to serve all the people not just the chosen few who have their ear. Lets get on the streets and make sure we are listened to. Most importantly of all lets use our ballot the next time. There is something rotten about a system that continues to elect a party that stands for nothing but power and protection of the privileged.
A socialist solution to our current crises is not going to work. We do need massive reform but not in the parties but in the government machine that is at this moment draging the whole coutry to its knees ie THE PUBLIC SECTOR. They work and live in a fairy tale.
Fianna Fail have added 100000 people to this fairy tale over the past years, this is where our start point should be
che guevara is alive and well and working in ulster bank stick it to them red walshpots
come on walshpots its november i'm waiting on the next installment hi
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